When buying scientific or electronic items, especially imports from the EU or US, it’s important to ensure they meet quality and safety standards. A Certificate of Conformity (CoC) confirms that a product meets the required standards, including the products and their labels.
The CoC varies based on safety regulations in the US or EU. An authorized party or lab typically issues it. It lists safety rules the product follows, like batch number, contact info, and CE mark. Customs clearance and ensuring safety and quality standards depend crucially on these certificates.
Easier Certification Request Process
We’ve made it easier for you to request compliance certificates for our label products. Now, you can easily request these certificates while placing your order, making the entire process seamless.
Exploring Different Compliance Programs
We offer label products that meet the requirements for four different compliance certification programs.
Certificate of Conformance
This is one of the most requested certificates. A competent authority certified the product and it meets the required specifications. The certification includes details that provide traceability of the product to its point of manufacture or origin.
Short for the EU directive on Restriction of Hazardous Substances. It makes sure that electrical or electronic items don’t have too much of certain dangerous chemicals.
This regulation addresses the production and use of chemical substances and their impacts on health and the environment.
This relates to tungsten, tantalum, tin, and gold, and it connects to the disclosure of conflict minerals usage.
Certified Label Materials
We certify all materials in our Control Panel/Graphic Overlay program for these programs. We also offer compliance certification for a variety of materials in other product lines.
Requesting Your Certificates
We’ve simplified the process of requesting certificates during the order process. After you provide your job details, choose the certificates you want, and we’ll send them along with your label order.
If the materials you choose do not qualify for a certificate, you have two options. You can either select another material or seek assistance from our Customer Care team.